DAYAMONZ Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) actively protects the personal information of users and strives to protect the rights and interests of users by complying with the “Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.”, the “Personal Information Protection Act,” and guidelines established by relevant institutions.
Article One: Purpose of Processing Personal Information
The Company processes personal information for the following purposes and does not use it for purposes other than the following.
One. Membership Registration
DAYAMONZ Membership Registration
Name (nickname if any), email address (ID), password
Name (nickname if any), profile image URL
Name (nickname if any), profile image URL
Google ID, profile, nickname
Apple Game Center ID, profile, nickname
Two. Identity Verification
Identity verification
Required: Name, date of birth, gender, nationality information, mobile carrier information, mobile phone number, connection information (CI), duplicate registration information (DI)
Legal guardian verification
Required: Name, date of birth, gender, nationality information, mobile carrier information, mobile phone number, connection information (CI), duplicate registration information (DI)
Optional: Legal guardian’s ID
Three. Events
Event participation
Optional: Email address, mobile phone number, SNS ID
Duplicate participation confirmation
Optional: Advertising identifier, service usage records, cookies (Cookie)
Prize delivery
Required: Name, mobile phone number, address
Tax payment
Required: Name, resident registration number, address, account number, bank name, account holder’s name
Four. Marketing
Notification of new services and newsletters
Optional: Email address, mobile phone number, SNS ID
Customized advertising
Optional: Advertising identifier, service usage records, cookies (Cookie)
Five. Customer Support
User identification and contact
Required: Email address, contact information (mobile phone number, landline number)
Consultation content confirmation
Optional: ID, name, nickname, other information necessary for consultation
Six. Service Provision
Personal location information
Optional: Inquiry about location information
Other information
Required: Service usage records, access logs, payment records, IP address, mobile phone number, mobile device model name, carrier information, OS information and version, device identifier, device language, and country information
Article Two: Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
The Company does not provide or disclose personal information to third parties without the user’s consent. However, in unavoidable cases where personal information is provided to third parties, the Company will obtain the user's consent.
One. When the user has agreed in advance to disclosure or provision
Two. When there is a legal obligation to submit personal information under relevant laws
In cases where data provision is mandated by law, or in response to requests from courts, investigative agencies, or other administrative bodies in accordance with lawful procedures.
Article Three: Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information
The Company retains and uses the user’s personal information for the period notified and agreed upon, and in principle, destroys the personal information without delay when the purpose of collection and use is achieved, the retention period expires, or the user withdraws consent. Personal information is retained for the period specified by law.
One. Information collected for events and service marketing
The retention period specified in the event personal information collection agreement (within one year)
Two. In cases where retention is required by related laws
Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.
Collected information: Login information Retention period: one year
Protection of Communications Secrets Act
Collected information: Service usage related information (website visit records) Retention period: three months
Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.
Collected information: Records of consumer complaints or dispute resolution Retention period: three years
Collected information: Records of contracts or withdrawal of subscriptions Retention period: five years
Collected information: Records of payment and supply of goods, etc. Retention period: five years
Basic National Tax Act
Collected information: All transaction books and evidentiary documents as specified by tax law Retention period: five years
Three. In cases not specified in item Two, personal information may be destroyed.
Inactive users may have their information terminated and destroyed to protect personal information in accordance with related laws.
Article Four: Procedures and Methods for Destroying Personal Information
In principle, personal information is destroyed without delay when the purpose of personal information processing is achieved. The procedures, methods, and deadlines for destruction are as follows.
One. Destruction procedures
Information entered by the user for membership registration, etc., is stored for a certain period according to internal policies and other relevant laws after the purpose is achieved and then destroyed.
Two. Destruction methods
Printed materials: Shredded or incinerated
Electronic files: Deleted using technical methods that prevent the record from being restored
Three. Destruction deadline
Personal information whose retention period has expired will be destroyed within five days from the end of the retention period. Personal information that has become unnecessary due to the achievement of its purpose, the discontinuation of the service, or the end of the business will be destroyed within five days from the date it is deemed unnecessary.
Article Five: Rights and Methods of Exercise for Members and Legal Representatives
As the subject of personal information, users and their legal representatives have the following rights.
One. Personal information held by the Company about the member
Two. Personal information provided by the platform operator
Three. The status of the member’s consent to the collection, use, and provision of personal information
Four. Methods of exercising rights
Viewing and correcting personal information
Contact DAYAMONZ service customer center (telephone, email) or use the one-to-one inquiry within the content
Withdrawal of consent (membership withdrawal)
Contact DAYAMONZ service customer center (telephone, email) or use the one-to-one inquiry within the content
Restriction on processing personal information (email/SMS reception)
Contact DAYAMONZ service customer center (telephone, email) or use the one-to-one inquiry within the content
Five. When collecting personal information from children under fourteen years old (hereinafter “children”), the Company obtains the consent of the legal representative. The information collected from the legal representative is used solely for the purpose of confirming consent and supporting requests to view or correct the child’s personal information.
Six. If a member requests the correction of personal information errors, the information will not be used or provided until the correction is completed. If incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, the Company will notify the third party without delay to ensure the correction is made.
Article Six: Analysis of Service Usage Records
The Company uses advertising identifiers and analysis software to provide suitable and more useful services to users.
One. Advertising identifiers
Non-permanent, non-personal identifiers, such as Android advertising ID, Apple’s advertising ID, can be rejected or reset by changing the device settings. They are not connected to personal information or used to identify individuals.
Two. Analysis software
The analysis software is used to analyze information automatically generated when users visit the website or use mobile services. Users can refuse this.
Three. Refusal to collect advertising identifiers
For Android: [Settings -> Google > Ads] or [Settings -> General -> Accounts & Sync -> Google -> Privacy & Privacy Protection -> Ad Settings]
For iOS: [Settings -> Privacy -> Advertising]
Four. Refusal to analyze service usage records
For Internet Explorer: Select “Turn on Do Not Track requests” in the “Tools” menu > “Safety” menu at the top of the web browser
For Chrome: Select the icon at the top right of the web browser > “Settings” > “Show advanced settings” at the bottom of the screen > Select “Send a ‘Do Not Track’ request with your browsing traffic” in the “Privacy” section
Article Seven: Measures to Ensure the Security of Personal Information
One. Regular self-audits
The Company conducts regular (quarterly) self-audits to ensure the security of personal information handling.
Two. Minimization and training of personal information handling staff
The Company designates and limits the staff handling personal information to manage it by minimizing the number of personnel.
Three. Encryption of personal information
Users' personal information and passwords are encrypted and stored/managed. Important data uses separate security functions such as file encryption or file lock.
Four. Access restriction to personal information
The Company takes necessary measures to control access to personal information through granting, changing, and deleting access rights to the database system processing personal information and uses intrusion prevention systems to control unauthorized access from outside.
Five. Use of locking devices for document security
Documents containing personal information and auxiliary storage media are stored in a safe place with locking devices.
Article Eight: Outsourcing the Processing of Personal Information
The Company outsources personal information processing tasks to the following agencies.
Contractor: M&Wise
Outsourced Task: RIM Talk/Friend Talk/SMS/LMS/MMS sending, 080 rejection service
Article Nine: Analysis of Service Usage Records
Information subjects can inquire about all personal information protection-related matters, complaint handling, and damage relief that occurred while using the Company’s services to the personal information protection officer and the responsible department.
One. Personal Information Protection Officer
Name: Jeon Chan-hong
Position: Responsible for data management of personal information
Contact: 02)560-4813, daya@dayamonz.com
※ Connected to the personal information protection department.
Two. Personal Information Protection Department
Department Name: Management Support Office
Contact Person: Jeon Chan-hong
Contact: 02)560-4813, daya@dayamonz.com
Addendum: Changes to the Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy is effective from the date of implementation, and if there are additions, deletions, or corrections of changes in accordance with laws and policies, they will be notified through announcements seven days before the changes are implemented.